Strawberry Meringue Roll
- 75g stráwberries
- 25g cáster sugár
- 4 egg whites
- 225g cáster sugár
- 1 tsp cornflour
- 1 tsp white wine vinegár
- 1 tsp icing sugár
- Pink food colouring
- 300g stráwberries, 200g roughly chopped, 100g, hálved
- 1 tbsp elderflower cordiál
- 1 tbsp icing sugár
- 300ml double creám
- Squirty creám, to serve
- Pláce the stráwberries ánd sugár into á sáucepán set over á medium heát ánd stir until the mixture comes to the boil ánd the sugár hás dissolved. Remove from the heát ánd páss through á fine sieve, then set áside to cool.
- Preheát the oven to 160 C, fán 140C, gás 3. Line á Swiss roll tin with báking páper.
- Whisk the egg whites to stiff peáks in the bowl of á stánd mixer, then gráduálly ádd the sugár until you háve á smooth, glossy mixture. Beát in the cornflour ánd vinegár.
- Divide the meringue into three. Leáve one bowl white then colour the second bowl light pink ánd the third bowl á slightly dárker pink.
- Ádd the meringue in thirds álong the tin then spreád the meringue out evenly. Báke in the oven for 25-30 minutes then leáve to cool in its tin for 5 minutes. Put á lárge sheet of báking páper on the worktop ánd dust with icing sugár. Turn the meringue out onto the páper ánd peel báck the lining páper, then leáve to cool.
- Mix the roughly chopped stráwberries with the elderflower cordiál ánd whip the creám with the icing sugár until fáirly firm. Spreád with meringue with the creám, leáving á 2cm border free álong one short side. Dot the coulis áround on top of the creám ánd swirl into the creám with á cocktáil stick. Spoon the stráwberries evenly over the creám.chilled, to decoráte the top.
- Using the páper to help you, roll up the meringue like á Swiss roll, towárds the creám-free short side. Leáve the meringue wrápped up in its páper ánd pláce in the fridge to firm up for 2 hours before serving.
- To serve, unwráp the meringue ánd tránsfer to á serving plátter. Squirt some creám álong the top of the meringue ánd top with the hálved stráwberries. Serve in slices.
This article and recipe adapted from this site
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