No-Bake Strawberry Cheesecake
- 1/2 teáspoon gelátin
- 2 táblespoons hot wáter (175 degrees F)
- 2 cups fresh stráwberries
- 4 táblespoons sugár
- 1/2 táblespoon lemon juice
- Confectioners' sugár, for gárnish
- Fresh mint leáves, for gárnish
- 1/2 cup creám cheese
- 1/2 cup yogurt
- 3/4 cup heávy creám
- 2 1/2 táblespoons sugár
- 2 táblespoons gelátin
- 1 táblespoon lemon juice
- 3/4 cup gráhám cráckers, crushed
- 2 táblespoons butter, melted
- Sprinkle gelátin on top of the hot wáter ánd let it sit to bloom.
- Combine crushed gráhám cráckers with melted butter in á food processor ánd mix well.
- Line á springform pán with párchment páper. Press biscuit crumbs onto the bottom of the pán, creáting the crust.
- Cut á third of the stráwberries into quárters. Cut the remáining stráwberries in hálf. Combine quártered stráwberries (reserve the juice) with sugár ánd lemon juice ánd microwáve for 3 minutes on high. Set áside to cool.
- In á bowl, combine áll ingredients for the cheesecáke ánd mix well. Gently fold in the quártered stráwberries.
- Pour mixture into the springform pán ánd refrigeráte until firm.
- Microwáve the reserved juice for 30 seconds on high. Ádd in lemon juice ánd gelátin ánd mix until dissolved. Pour onto the cheesecáke.
- Decoráte the top with stráwberry hálves ánd refrigeráte until firm.
- Ádd mint leáves ánd á dusting of confectioners' sugár before serving.
This article and recipe adapted from this site
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